So you're actually reading this. You aren't sick of me talking about beer all day everyday forever. ... Cool. Some people do music, some people do events, I'm gonna talk about all the beer I tried this year.
I've ignored counts of less than 5 in the superlatives. That is, best/worst of X only includes Xes that I have more than 5 entries for in the year. If there's a percentage in the parentheses, it's an ABV. If there's no percentage, it's a rating. I use a 0-5 rating scale that more or less corresponds to how I would describe the beer to someone asking my opinion.
Total: 464 beers
Average Rating: 2.47
Average ABV: 6.39%
Average: 38.67 per month
Most: August (77)
Least: October (21)
Best: December (2.73)
Worst: February (2.17)
Booziest: December (7.47%)
Soberest: July (5.78%)
28 different cities
Best: Warsaw (3.18)
Worst: Winchester (1.83)
Booziest: Merrifield (7.7%)
Soberest: San José del Cabo (5.0%)
7 different countries
Best: Poland (3.18)
Worst: Mexico (2.25)
Booziest: USA (6.56%)
Soberest: Mexico (4.94%)
17 different brewery countries
Best: Belgium (3.0)
Worst: Mexico (2.25)
Booziest: Belgium (7.9%)
Soberst: Lithuania (4.94%)
73 different styles
Most: IPA (73)
Least: Barley Wine (5)
Best: Grodziskie (4.0)
Worst: Oktoberfest (1.75)
Booziest: Barley Wine (12.02%)
Soberst: Grodziskie (3.96%)
205 different breweries
Most: Blackstack (25)
Least: Berkeley Springs (5)
Best: Forager (3.4)
Worst: Castle Danger (1.8)
Booziest: Lupulin (9.06%)
Soberst: Castle Danger (5.0%)